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Saturday, April 28, 2012

End of Unit 1: Ss Sun

So we wrapped up our first unit in MFW K, Ss Sun. It was a great week and Marlee learned a lot! I've already posted some pics, and here is a list of related books we read this week:

Day 1: parts of The Sun by Melanie Chrismer and The Sun is My Favorite Star by Frank Asch

Day 2: The Sun, Our Nearest Star by Franklyn Branley and To Be Like the Sun by Susan Marie Swanson

Day 3: Sun Up, Sun Down by Jacqui Bailey and A Child's Good Morning Book by Margaret Wise Brown

Day 4: Sun Up, Sun Down by Gail Gibbons (yes, same name, different book) and *Moonbear's Shadow by Frank Asch

Day 5: My "s" Sound Box by Jane Moncure

* books I own

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