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Monday, August 20, 2012

Today would be the day

Today is the first day of school for our public school district. I would be sending my 5 yr old away to Kindy for the very first time today. She has always been with me, never gone to daycare or preschool, and today would be the day I would send her out into school world. As we are sitting here, eating grapes and cuddling on the couch, while I'm making a list for the library later, I'm overcome with emotion. So thankful for the opportunities we've been given, for homeschooling, for my husband who supports it 100%, for just those few more precious moments, for the supreme sovereignty and grace of God. I know circumstances can change at any time, but this is the path we are on for now.

We prayed for our friends who started public school this morning, as I hope our friends pray for us along our journey too! I love my friends and I truly believe we all want the best for each other and our kids, no matter what "educational" path we choose. May we all be godly examples and parents to our children, living and preaching the gospel to ourselves, our families, and each other.


Virginia said...

Love you friend. :)

Anonymous said...

I thought of my homeschool friends yesterday. I am so thankful of how close we are despite our differences. It's wonderful to learn and celebrate through them instead of letting them divide us. Love you Les!