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Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Why does my teenager never pick up after herself (not b/c she's a teenager, since childhood)?
Why does my husband never do the dishes right?
Why is my child the messiest, filthiest, slobbiest child I know?
Why do I have to repeat myself a gazillion times to my husband and/or child for them to hear only part of what I said (and have no clue about the rest of what I said)?
Why can no one in my house remember eating the last 5 doughnuts?
Why do I have to repeat the same requests about things around the house constantly and yet no one still ever does them?
Why does my father act the way he acts?
Why do I feel the need to always be the peacemaker with him and raise my blood pressure to ungodly levels when he's around b/c I'm trying so hard to walk on eggshells and do everything the way he wants so he doesn't have a fit?
Why do I get sooo angry at my teenager when I know she's trying hard (most of the time) but she acts like a complete idiot?
Why can't Jesus come back now (like, right now)?
Why is money always an issue (always)?
Why is marriage so hard?
Why do I feel like I work so hard, and I'm totally exhausted, but I feel like I've accomplished nothing?
Why, Why, Why?

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