Blogger Backgrounds

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Shareen's on the other computer, Caillou is on the tv, Marlee is glue sticking some scrap paper and Jeff is asleep in the recliner with my blanket (I told him about taking my blanket!) so I decided to blog.

We are going to Aldi today to grab some necessary groceries. I need diapers. I'm going to try to keep this week's grocery bill $40 or under. I'll let you know how that works out.

I am looking forward to the time when my friend Virginia says "ok, I'm ready to get our craft on"! She's going to help me out with a lovely thing that I want to make (see hers here ).

In an effort to revamp my blog, I've been getting inspiration from all over the web. I've added lots of new links to other blogs and sites that I hope you enjoy. I will try my best to always link back to the original site where I found ideas when I post them. I am hoping to be able to add more pictures soon, if I ever get another camera. I dropped and broke mine over a year ago and have just been using my cell phone camera since then. We all know cell phone camera pics aren't great! I want to add labels to my posts also, but then I get confused because, for example, how the heck would I lable this post?!?!

In the future, I hope to include more stuff about our homeschooling, crafts, books, food/recipes, etc. And definitely more pics!

Well, Marlee has long left the glue stick for less still activities, such as covering my left sleeve with stickers, so I shall leave the blog for now.

I will leave you with my goal for the day: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.- Eph. 4:32 (NIV)
*Love is Kind - I pray today that God will remind me of His forgiveness and love and through His grace will help me to be kind and forgiving. I know He is here with me in every struggle.

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